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Welcome to Arya Public School

Arya Public School is the second unit of Arya Shiksha Sabha (Kaithal), a registered society. This society has been running its first unit Arya Sr. Sec. School in Gharaunda (Karnal) since 1986. The school was formally inaugurated in 2010 and at present it is a full-fledged Senior Secondary CBSE affiliated school.

Right from the day of its inception school is working persistently to empower thousands of its pupils by giving them a solid backing under the guidance of APS Stalwarts.

Our Facilities

Activity Room
School curriculum is exotically designed to de-stress the process of education as per level of pupils’ receptivity.
Computer Lab
To move in pace with the current trends in technology school has made computer education
The school maintains its own fleet of buses for different routes in compliance with safety and security norms.
It has rightly been said, “The Battle of Waterloo was won on the playfields of Eton”.
Science Laboratories adequately equipped with ultra-modern apparatus offer ample research opportunities to our young learners.

From President's Desk

प्राचीन काल से भारत शिक्षा के क्षेत्र में विश्व का शिरोमणि रहा है | मध्यकाल में तक्षशिला एवं नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय विश्व के श्रेष्ठतम विश्वविद्यालय रहे हैं, पर वर्तमान में चिंता तब होती है जब 73 देशों की प्रतियोगिता में हमारे बच्चे 72वें स्थान पर आतेे हैं।

ऐसे समय में हमारा प्रयत्न है कि बच्चों का शिक्षण कार्य नवीनतम चिंतन एवं विधियों के अनुसार हो । उच्च कोटि के शिक्षक आर्य पब्लिक स्कूल की उपलब्धि व शक्ति हैं।

From Director's Desk

Education is the backbone of a person in today’s competitive world. That’s why quality education is the need of hour for every child. Unfortunately there is scarcity of good schools, especially in rural areas.

In big cities students have the opportunity to visit specialised tutors. But in villages there is no such facility available. Therefore our responsibility as a teacher and as a management increases manifold for the children belonging to rural areas.

(Mr. Husan Pal Singh)

Vision & Mission

The school envisions in discovering, revealing and strengthening the inner potential of each individual in the school. The school is contributing intensively in churning out a value oriented society which is well evident from our tag line
“Dedication to Education is our strength”

Latest News

  • Independence Day Celebration
  • Arya Public School, Chandlana, celebrated Independence Day with unprecedented patriotic fervour.
  • Annual Day Celebration
  • Annual Function forms an integral part of our school activities.  It is an occasion of celebration.
  • Dussehra (Maha Navami)
  • Dussehra, (also known as Vijayadashmi), is a significant Indian festival. As per Hindu calendar .
  • Gandhi Jayanti Celebration
  • Gandhi Jayanti is a national festival celebrated in India to mark the occasion of the birthday of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, who was famously known as Mahatma Gandhi, Father of the Nation.